Nectarine Leaf Curl: What Causes and How to Treat It

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Why Are My Nectarine Leaves Curling? Common Causes of Nectarine Leaf Curl

There are several potential causes of nectarine leaf curl, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, nutritional deficiencies, temperature conditions and insects.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common reasons for leaves on nectarine trees curling.


Prune dwarf virus is one of the more prevalent viruses that can induce leaf curling in nectarines. Symptoms of this virus include misshapen, curled leaves with bumps or indentations on the surface.


The bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae is a common pathogenic bacteria that leads to nectarine leaf curl. Leaves infected with this bacteria may appear very coarsely wrinkled and develop a thick, leathery texture.


Peach leaf curl, caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans, is a widespread fungal disease affecting nectarine and peach leaves. The leaves develop a thick, fleshy, red-brown appearance and curl severely inward.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Insufficient nutrients like iron, magnesium and nitrogen can also result in curled nectarine leaves. A lack of these important minerals hinders proper chloroplast development in the leaves, causing them to twist abnormally.

Temperature or Weather Conditions

Extreme temperatures, both high and low, can impact nectarine leaves, causing them to curl. During cold or frosty periods, leaves may shrivel and fold in an effort to protect themselves.

Similarly, during prolonged heat waves, leaves may twist as a defense mechanism to reduce surface area and moisture loss. High winds can also batter leaves, resulting in a curled appearance.


Certain insects like aphids, mites or leafhoppers, may not directly cause leaf curl but can transmit plant viruses when they feed.

Their piercing-sucking mouthparts allow viruses to enter the phloem vascular system and spread through the tree, manifesting in distorted, curled leaves above and below the graft union.

Identifying Nectarine Leaves Curling

Proper identification is key to determining the right treatment course of action for curled leaves affecting nectarine trees. Let’s review some of the tell-tale signs:

Visual Appearance

Nectarine leaves displaying typical leaf curl will be distorted and crinkled anywhere from mildly to severely.

They may roll or fold inward, creating a cup-like shape. Affected leaves are often thicker and leatherier in texture compared to healthy foliage.

Location on Tree

Take note whether leaf curl symptoms are isolated to a branch or two or widespread throughout the entire tree.

Viruses generally spread systemically above and below graft unions. Nutrient deficiencies may impact new growth more than older leaves.

Time of Onset

Consider when symptoms first appeared. Spring fungal diseases differ from summer viral/bacterial issues. And acute stresses like frost versus ongoing nutrient imbalance.

Other Signs

Look for fungal fruiting bodies, insect pests, or chlorosis/necrosis symptoms associated with specific diseases for accurate identification. Correct diagnoses direct the most effective control measures.

Being able to distinguish normal leaf appearances from curled leaves is the first step in finding the underlying cause and potential remedy for the issue.

Related: Pine wilt disease: A serious threat to pine trees

Treating Nectarine Leaf Curl

Once the cause of leaf curl has been identified, focused control methods can be applied. Here are some common treatment options:

Removing Infected Leaves and Branches

Pruning away severely twisted or discoloured foliage prevents the pathogen or pest from spreading further within the tree. Make clean cuts well below any symptoms.

Fungicide or Bactericide Applications

For fungal or bacterial diseases like peach leaf curl, apply a recommended fungicide/bactericide matching the active ingredients. Repeated sprays may be required, following label directions.

Example Products

Copper-based fungicides like Cytrol or Nordox are effective against peach leaf curl. Rally contains myclobutanil to control fungal issues. The antibiotic FireLine can be used against bacterial leaf curl.

Nutritional Applications

Correct nutrient deficiencies with balanced fertilizers or foliar sprays.chelates like Sequestrene supply micronutrients like iron in a plant-available form.

Creating Optimal Growing Conditions

Good cultural practices boost tree health to resist stress-related leaf curl. Techniques like mulching, drip irrigation, and avoiding overhead watering protect trees.

Preventing Nectarine Leaf Curl in the Future

Once nectarine leaf curl has occurred, it’s important to take steps to avoid reoccurrence. Here are some tips:

Select Resistant Varieties

When planting new trees, choose cultivars labeled as resistant to common diseases like Fantasia (bacteria), Fantasia 2000 (fungi and viruses).

Sanitation and Removal of Infected Plant Material

Remove and destroy severely curled leaves or branches. Do not compost. Practice good sanitation to remove inoculum sources.

Nutrient and Water Management

Follow a fertilization plan tailored to your soil and environment. Proper irrigation prevents moisture-related stresses.

Pest and Disease Monitoring

Scout trees weekly for signs of pests or pathogens. Identifying issues early allows timely control of applications before significant damage occurs.

Pruning and Training

Prune branches for airflow and sunlight penetration. Train trees to have an open center structure for faster drying and pest and disease prevention.

Chemical Controls

Rotate between fungicide and bactericide modes of action based on disease. Apply fungicides before infection periods for best results.

With preventative care and the selection of leaf curl resistant cultivars, nectarine trees should remain healthy and productive for many years to come.

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